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6 Tips To Take Up Cannabis Creatively

We are creative and crafty

· Cannabis,Medical Marijuana,Moreno Valley,California

We are creative and crafty in ways that no other person can imagine! And, there is no limitation when it comes to consuming cannabis.

From finding new and innovative ways to consume cannabis, we have innovated new ways to make our cannabis sessions more fun!

Now, now, you are stuck at your home with no option of stepping out. So, you will have to plan something out-of-the-box to enjoy your toke. Fight your boredom with these methods that I have for you!

Read along to learn them.

Spice Up Your Edibles

Okay! So, cannabis-infused edibles! It is not new to you. I am sure you must have had it more than times you could count. When we say cannabis edibles, the first thing that strikes our mind is- BAKING!

Well, there are many other options now besides baking a pot brownie for yourself. Make canna-butter or canna-oil and make it a part of all your meals. Or, if you do not love edibles much, add a few drops of cannabis tinctures in your favorite smoothie or beverage.

After all, who wouldn’t be bored with the same thing repeated over and over? What if you thought cannabis-infused cookies as an ingredient as a whole item. Mix cannabis cookie crumbles into yogurt or make your own ice-cream cookie sandwiches.

I don’t think there is any limit experimenting with cannabis and edibles!

Freeze Capsules And Cut Them Up

Freeze Capsules And Cut Them Up

Have an oil-based capsule at home and clueless about what to do? If the pill is of a high dose, split it up. Wondering how?

Freeze the cannabis-capsule for hours until it is frozen solid! That’s it. Now, you take it out and slice it with a knife into two or three pieces as you like. Put the left ones on separate spoons. Cover the spoon with a plastic bag in a Tupperware container with its lid capped. Place this covered spoon and capsule-cuts in the freezer again.

See, how efficiently your capsules can be used to incorporate into varieties of meals you like! Edibles, beverages, or anything else. All you need is a Medical Marijuana Recommendation Moreno Valley to get your medical marijuana!

Put Colloidal Silver In The Bong

Let’s first get technical- colloidal silver is a suspension of silver particles in a liquid. It is hailed for its assertive properties like- antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. Yet, colloidal silver is very gentle, mild, tasteless, and odorless. Also, it is safe to use in a newborn baby’s eyes and powerful enough to attack HIV viruses. This substance is quite versatile and effective!

Add it to your bong water to disinfect your surfaces, tools, mouth, and hands.

Dab With An Ash Bed

Dabbing is the newest and confusing method of taking up cannabis. Moreover, it can go sideways. Moreover, it can go sideways. Maybe you broke your banger, had an e-nail malfunction, or just ran out of butane! I am sure one of these must have happened to you. If that ever happens again, remember using an ash bed to smoke hash oil.

Fill a spoon pipe’s bowl with ash from previously smoked cannabis and pack it down firmly. Place a dab in the center of this ash bed. While you inhale, touch the flame to the ash bed by lighting it from below and not the dab itself. The area below the dab should turn red and create a small element to heat the dollop.

Remember- do not hold the flame too long than a moment; you will end up burning your dab into ash.

Use Limonene To Clean

Limonene is a terpene found in not only cannabis but other citrus fruits too. You may have noticed we wash our hands with lemon after we eat, or wash our utensils with lemon-infused soaps to get the smell and stickiness away! It also adds an aroma. This terpene is currently tested to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cancer-fighting properties, and managing heart disease. Most importantly, limonene is believed to have anti-viral properties.

Hence, you should use limonene to clean your dab rigs, bongs, and disinfect your surfaces. It is highly effective and definitely smells amazing.

Consider Suppositories

Okay! This might be a little strange for most of us, but I assure you, suppositories can be helpful. Making suppositories are more relaxed than making fresh and exciting cannabis-infused meals to dose. These are suppositories that are ingested through the lower rectal cavity. Anything absorbed in this manner straightaway gets absorbed in the bloodstream. It doesn’t get metabolized by the liver.

Thus, you can say goodbye to the psychoactive effects as ti reduces drastically, even if you take in high dosage. There are always recipes available to make your suppositories, just google them!

Final thoughts

Taking cannabis has always been a fun experience for everyone. But, it never harms to find some crafty ways to get those sessions more intriguing and thrilling. Try one of the above ways to get in touch with your fun side again. These are some easy to practice at home stoner hacks.